Welcome to Columbia Park Elementary!

Columbia Park Elementary School, situated near the golf course and the Columbia River on the north end of Revelstoke, serves students in the communities of Big Eddy, Greeley, Johnson Heights and Columbia Park as well as students who reside along the Trans Canada Highway. Students from as far away as Three Valley and the Shelter Bay Ferry also attend CPE.

Columbia Park Elementary School first opened its doors in the Fall of 1975 with seven classrooms and eight teachers. Mr. John Opra was the first Principal. A year later two portable classrooms were added and in 1977 construction on an additional seven classrooms began. The 2002 – 2003 school year saw our school community expand to include students formerly within the Big Eddy school catchment area. Near the end of that same school year, our parents organized to begin an ambitious playground revitalization program which was finally completed in June of 2007. In 2005 our PAC began a legacy tree planting project. Each year a tree or ornamental bush is planted by the Kindergarten class on our grounds. In 2021 a 1.5 million dollar renovation was completed and included extensive upgrades of all classrooms and interior spaces.

At Columbia Park Elementary School we offer a full range of programs, facilities and services. An up-to-date library with laptops and iPads serve to support and complement student learning. Our physical education program is enhanced with both curricular and extracurricular activities. We also offer arts education including Band for students in grade 6 and 7.

We are very proud of our students at Columbia Park Elementary. As a school community, we strive hard to create a positive, caring environment. Successes are recognized and celebrated. RAISE (Respect All Individuals, Self, Environment), our school code of conduct, is enthusiastically demonstrated. Our students and staff are working together to meet our school goals of literacy and health and well-being.

Our school is fortunate in having a dedicated parent group who assist in providing a variety of activities and resources for the benefit of all students.

At Columbia Park Elementary, we are dedicated toward providing a rich variety of opportunities for excellence so that all may find success.

Grades: K-7

Our Mission

The Columbia Park Elementary community supports the development of our students as life-long, independent learners and responsible citizens, who value diversity and defend human rights in all environments.

Our Motto

At CPE we expect…


Principal's Message

Tracy Tompkins

Welcome to another fantastic year at Columbia Park Elementary!

At CPE we pride ourselves on being a fun, inclusive, and caring place to learn, and we look forward to developing those values by Respecting All Individuals Self and Environment (RAISE). So ask yourself, what can YOU do to show your RAISE at CPE?

Should you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to drop in or give us a call – (250) 837-4744.

Page Resources

CPE Code of Conduction
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CPE Code of Conduction
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