Our School Annual Reports on Student Success and school learning plans are vital tools in this journey.

We believe in open communication with our school community, sharing our progress, and outlining our plans for the future. These reports not only highlight the remarkable strides our students have made but also demonstrate our dedication to continuous improvement. We measure our results with a friendly, informative approach, ensuring that everyone involved—students, parents, and staff—can see the positive impact of our collective efforts. Together, we celebrate growth, and together, we build a brighter future for our students.

For an archive of past plans and reports, please visit the School District #19 (Revlstoke).

School Learning Focus Working Documents

Columbia Park Elementary School built the school learning plan/school learning focus based on the Spirals of Inquiry by taking an inquiry-oriented, evidence-based approach to learning and teaching. The spiral is never complete – new learning always brings about new questions, new ways of knowing, and new opportunities for learning.

School Learning Focus

Based on the School Learning Focus Working Document, each year, Principals submit their learning focus/school learning plan (working document) in the Fall setting out their plan for the year. At the end of the year the principals provide their report on the learning focus/school learning plan to the Revelstoke Board of Education.

Board Reports

Each year principals invite trustees and district administration staff to their school to present their annual report to the Board. The report highlights the activities and learning that took place at the school over the past year based on the school learning focus/learning plan and celebrates students and their many successes and accomplishments.

Page Resources

School Learning Focus Working Document
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School Learning Focus Working Document
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2022-2023 - School Learning Report
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2022-2023 - School Learning Report
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2023 - Board Report
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2023 - Board Report
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2024-25 CPE School Learning Plan
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2024-25 CPE School Learning Plan
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