Our dynamic and collaborative Parent Advisory Council helps make our school a strong and welcoming community. Every parent of a CPE student is automatically a PAC member, so please feel free to come to any meeting! We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. We try to keep meetings to one hour, and we have grade 7 babysitters for parents with younger children.

The best way to stay informed of what is happening with the CPE PAC is to join our Facebook Group: “Columbia Park Elementary”. Any and every parent is welcome!

Please email any questions you may have about PAC to cpeschoolpac@gmail.com

Current Fundraisers

Lovable Labels:

These durable, washer- and dryer-proof labels can help ensure your child’s belongings make it home. Twenty percent of the sales from these labels go towards supporting equipment purchases and special events at our school.

Place your order

Pod Leaders

Hot Lunch – Jen Baron and Courtney Pinkenburg

Loveable Labels – Mandy McQuarrie

Xmas Craft Fair – Jenn Stokman

Winter Carnival – Amy Flexman

Social Media – Lisa Lamothe

District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC)

CPE’s DPAC representatives is Colette Poirier .

View all current DPAC Council Members on the School District 19 website

View DPAC Members

Meeting Minutes & Agendas

September 2023 PAC Meeting Minutes

CPE Parent Advisory Council Members

Jo Gawler
Parent Advisory Council
Alisa Henry
Parent Advisory Council
Vice Chair
Parent Advisory Council
Dan Byznya
Parent Advisory Council