Our code of conduct helps guide our school towards achieving the goals described in our mission statement.

Students are encouraged to understand their responsibilities as learners and citizens of our school community by consistently practicing the elements of R.A.I.S.E. Our code of conduct applies to all members of our school community in all environments associated with school functions including online and electronic media. All participants are guided by our code of conduct while acting as ambassadors of our school.

  • Annual review of our code of conduct occurs with students, parents, and staff to encourage the promotion of the expectations in the code of conduct.
  • Conduct is consistently monitored to ensure codes reflect current and emerging situations that contribute to school safety.

School-wide Behaviour Expectation Chart

Students, parents, and staff have contributed to the school-wide behavior expectation chart that outlines what RAISE should look like around our school and in our community. Our Code of Conduct is included in our student agendas, and new students and staff are provided an orientation to our school expectations. RAISE expectations are reviewed prior to participation in extra-curricular activities, such as volleyball or basketball teams. Review and communication of relevant aspects of the R.A.I.S.E. Code of Conduct are included in our morning announcements and weekly assemblies, as well as being emphasized in classrooms, before and during field trips, in newsletters, and at PAC and SPC meetings.


At Columbia Park Elementary School, we are committed to providing a CARING environment and, as per the Human Rights Code (RSBC 1996), that is based on the equality of persons and is free from discrimination. A person must not imply or present any statement or communication (written, spoken, electronic, or drawn) that intends to or indicates discrimination against a person, group, or class of persons or is likely to expose them to hatred or contempt because of race, color, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and age. Accommodation service or facility must not be denied without a bona fide and reasonable justification.

Behaviour Matrix

At CPE we expect…

R – Respect

A – All

I – Individuals

S – Self

E – Environment

All Individuals

All Settings
  • Treat others the way they want to be treated
  • Be kind and helpful
  • Use your manners
  • Keep your body and objects out of other people’s personal space
  • Follow the rules of the school


All Settings
  • Be prepared
  • Be positive
  • Do your best at all times, in all things
  • Dress appropriately
  • Tell the truth
  • Stop and think before you act
  • Personal Care: Hygiene, sleep, food and exercise/activity, and positive mental health

And the Environment

All Settings
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle
  • Use resources wisely
  • Dispose of waste properly
  • Clean up after yourself
  • Respect school property

Encouraging Appropriate/Positive Behaviours

At CPE, we will teach, identify, and expect non-discriminatory and positive behaviours for all. Although our students consistently demonstrate appropriate choices, there are occasions when some may demonstrate behaviours that are deemed inappropriate; these behaviours are listed below. The identified Examples and Response Guidelines are by no means an exhaustive list and act as a guide for students, parents, and school staff. Each incident may have several contributing factors that must be considered.

  • Whenever possible and appropriate, consequences for breaches of the code are restorative in nature to help resolve the behaviour and help students learn from his/her mistakes.
  • Age, maturity, and special needs of students are considered when determining appropriate action.
  • School officials may have the responsibility to advise other parties of serious breaches of the code of conduct (e.g., parent, school district officials, police and/or other agencies).
  • All reasonable steps will be made to prevent retaliation against a student who has made a complaint of a breach of a code of conduct.

Examples Response Guidelines

Level One Behaviours

No intent to cause harm, these are primarily teaching opportunities, and are generally isolated or rare incidences

  • Disrupting learning
  • Rude or disrespectful behaviour (isolated incident)
  • Breaking a school rule
  • Choosing to be late
  • Making a mess on purpose
  • Careless behaviour that causes damage or harm (not intentional, and student is remorseful)
Response Guidelines
  • Reminder to student
  • Teach desired behaviour
  • RAISE review (to teach/remind), Classroom strategies
  • Restitution by the student and/or Appropriate consequence
  • Whole-school teaching if needed

Level Two Behaviours

More serious in intent and consequence. These behaviours affect the tone and safety of our school, and restorative action and/or consequences must match the degree of harm.

  • Unsafe actions
  • Disrespectful or hurtful behaviour
  • Continuing to bother someone even after told to stop
  • Continuing to break school rules
  • Damaging someone else’s things
  • Supporting/encouraging behaviour of someone else that is hurtful or harmful
Response Guidelines
  • Office referral and parent contact
  • Restitution &/or consequence
  • Classroom teacher and principal teach expectations and Counselor intervention may be recommended
  • Help student to understand effect of behaviour

Level Three Behaviours

Very serious or potential to cause harm. These actions can profoundly impact the safe, caring and orderly environment of the school. Follow District Protocols, including Threat Assessment protocol.

  • Possessing weapons
  • Fighting
  • Major vandalism
  • Stealing
  • Threatening others
  • Sexual or harassing behaviours
  • All types of bullying, including cyberbullying
Response Guidelines
  • Parent conference in the office before student returns to class, restitution and/or consequence implemented
  • Student may be removed from the general learning environment (in or out of school) for a duration commensurate with the effect of the action on the school environment
  • Multi-agency support/consultation as warranted by Protocols (RCMP, MCFD, YMH, IHA)
  • Behaviour support plan and ongoing counselling support where warranted
  • Where a student is repeatedly engaging in Level 3 behaviours, consideration of an alternate learning environment

Community School Threat Assessment: Fair Notice

Our school community is committed to creating and sustaining school environments in which students, staff, parents, and others feel safe. All reported threats and incidences of violence will be investigated.

The purpose of the threat assessment process is to use the best knowledge, skill, and experience available to assess high-risk behaviors so that appropriate interventions can be identified to protect individuals from harm and ensure a climate of safety in schools and the community.

Any student whose behavior or actions appear to pose a high risk to self-harm or who threatens harm to others will undergo the threat assessment process. This assessment will be extensive in scope and may include the involvement of community partners such as MCFD and the RCMP.

High-risk behaviors include, but are not limited to:

  • Possession of weapons
  • Bomb threats
  • Any threats to kill or injure others or self (threats may be written, verbal, drawn, posted electronically, or made by gesture only and may be direct, indirect, conditional or veiled).

Duty to Report

To keep school communities safe, staff, students, parents, and community members will report all threat-related behaviors to the school principal.

Bullying vs. Conflict

Bullying is a persistent pattern of unwelcome or aggressive behavior over time that involves an imbalance of power, and/or the intention to harm or humiliate someone. Conflict, on the other hand, is generally a disagreement or difference in opinion between peers who typically have equal power in their relationships. Conflict is usually an inevitable part of a group dynamic.

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CPE Code Of Conduct 2023-2024
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CPE Code Of Conduct 2023-2024
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